Online Giving
Online Giving

Simone Gilkes
Brothers and sisters, may the grace and peace of God continue to rest upon you. The Turks & Caicos Islands Conference is delighted to provide this online giving platform to facilitate all its members who have online and mobile banking.
On this web page, you will find the instructions for the online giving. Also given, is the Conference’s assurance statements of transparency and accountability.
I urge you to remain faithful to God. You need to stand on His promises and prove Him so that He will open the windows of heaven and shower you with blessings for which there will not be enough room to receive. May the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ be with you!
Please see below the instructions for online giving using this webpage:
- Important: Record the First Caribbean Account Name and Number below.
- Fill in the required fields (*) and the amount that you choose to give per category.
- Click the ‘Go To Bank’ button, and you will be directed to the FCIB online portal.
- Follow your online banking process to complete the process. (Login, add the Conference’s account, and do a transfer of the total that want to give)
Note: Only use this form if you have online banking with First Caribbean International Bank in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Account Information
Name of Bank: First Caribbean International Bank
Account Name: Turks and Caicos Islands Mission of SDA
Account Number: 1601230
Transparency Assurance
The Turks and Caicos Islands Conference will forward a digital receipt to each member who remits his or her Tithe and Offering using this platform. Please submit an accurate and current email to facilitate this objective.
Accountability Assurance
The Turks and Caicos Islands Conference will provide a report to the Local Church to enable the recording and reporting of the Tithe and Offering. Also, a cheque will be made payable to the Local Church for its portion of the offering.