MARTHA Avoided…
But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain. Titus 3:9
When Jesus visited Mary and Martha’s home in Bethany, Martha seemed to have an avoidance syndrome, being completely focused on the house preparation, rather than the heart, mind, and soul training, for eternal life in Christ. Joining Mary at Jesus’ feet would have helped Martha to recognize her need for the Saviour. However, in avoiding Jesus, she missed her chance to be molded and fashioned by The Master Potter.
In contrast to Mary, Martha was busy complaining and having her own pity party. Martha focused on the daily cares and sorrows, and may have even unnecessarily undertaken additional chores that caused her to avoid sitting at the blessed feet of Jesus. The cooking, cleaning and competing took precedence over spiritual matters in her life. Martha asked questions that created distractions from Jesus’ teachings. Instead, she drew attention to herself and thus, remained busy and overworked. Martha became weary because she was consumed in needless duties and unnecessary demands; this made her a restless soul as she avoided The Master Teacher.
Martha may have overheard some of Jesus’ teaching while she was busy with her chores; but by not giving Him her undivided attention, it caused her to avoid The Master Teacher’s sacred words of wisdom, so refreshing to mortal ears. Sitting at the feet of Jesus was seen as unproductive to Martha because she avoided the spiritual and allowed the temporal things to prevail. It is safe to say Martha was not aligned with Jesus’ admonition to prioritize spiritual matters. Jesus was calling Martha to forsake the humdrum and seek after righteousness; but this call was to no avail.
Jesus alone was able to relieve her from the burdens she faced, but Martha avoided His gentle beckoning. Jesus wanted to create ‘a clean heart and renew a right spirit’ in her, but Martha inadvertently avoided this precious gift of His matchless love. Martha avoided the spiritual victory she could have received during Jesus’ visit to her home, simply because she did not set her heart on things above. Jesus did not merely come to dine, but to draw Martha nearer to His saving grace. She avoided the opportunity to be connected to ‘The True Vine’ from which her branches would yield the fruits that would lead to eternal life.
LET’S PONDER: Are you Avoiding the most important aspect of life? Remember, only Christ can cater to your spiritual growth and development. Spend quality time to reflect on what’s causing you to avoid your Savior. Make the necessary changes you need to make today!
by Maureen L. Tucker
Maurtuc Series