MARY Abided…I am the vine, ye are the branches, if any man abides in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit, for without me ye can do nothing. John 15: 5
As a feeble mortal clay, Mary chose to abide at Jesus’ feet where she could be moulded and fashioned after His likeness. Mary had a disreputable past as an adulterous woman. Suffice it to say, it wasn’t until she met Jesus that she was able to acknowledge her unclean state, and learn of her value and worth.
Mary abided at Jesus’ feet where she became connected to the True and Living Vine. Consequently, her vine became laden with the fruits of righteousness and was able to draw many to the new and living hope found in Christ Jesus.
The Master Potter was given a chance to work at the wheel of Mary’s desperate soul. She abided at His feet and was in no rush to leave Him. She understood that refining was needed to change her sin-sick state. Consequently, Jesus was able to do His perfect work by moulding, cutting, pruning, shaping and refining. Soon Jesus unravelled the masterpiece that lay hidden beneath the broken, filthy flesh of clay. This was a glorious opportunity as Mary made preparation for The Eternal City. She was never in a hurry to leave the comfort and safety to sit at The Master Teacher’s welcoming feet.
Martha’s provocation did not concern Mary because she was abiding, and taken to realms of glory and now could understand Redemption story. At the feet of Jesus, the Bread of Life was in abundant supply to feed her hungry soul. She abided and would not let go of the healing balm and the well spring of righteousness. While feeding on The Living Bread, nothing could be compared to the life-changing experience drawn from Emmanuel’s vein. Expensive earthly raiment could not entice, because she was abiding at Jesus’ feet and was being covered with the white Robe of Righteous Living.
Mary abided at the feet of Jesus and earthly pleasures grew strangely dim as she exhibited the true spirit that Christ wants to see in His erring children. She went seeking her Saviour’s blessed face and her hunger and thirst after righteousness was quenched. Without a doubt, Mary reaped the abundant harvest because she abided. The quest for The Way, The Truth and The Everlasting Life was answered.
LET’S PONDER: What are the factors that are preventing us from Abiding at Jesus’ feet, to daily seek and worship Him? In this postmodern, fast pace era, we must find time to sit at The Master’s Teacher’s feet, to block out the cares and tares? Always remember, that Jesus wants us to Abide in Him. He longs to Abide in us, Give Him a Winning Chance today and everyday!
by Maureen Tucker