The King of the household is a godly husband,

A loving father, an obedient son, 

An ardent disciple of Christ and a faithful steward.

He prays for strength every day

To walk the narrow way, and never goes astray.

His prayer for His family rings loud and clear,

For the upliftment of godliness, and the

Forsaking of all unrighteousness. 


His beautiful Queen stands proudly by his side,

And he treats her with exceptional love and pride.

His beloved knows he would never stumble

And in this she delights and never grumbles.

He is forever grateful for her encouraging songs

And prayers by day and night,

To keep him strong in God’s Sight.


His children revere his Priesthood,

Never doubting his godly example.

Even in their outreach and giving, 

they stand up bold in faithful living, 

Never condoning wrongdoing.

Where’re they go, they embody 

their father’s sterling character; thus, 

honoring him in the life they live here and after. 


He works hard to make dollars and cents, 

So, his family lives well-content.

He shows concern for the indigent,

And does this with such diligence.

He pursues God’s might and splendor, 

to live above strife and blunder,

And his family is always happy for

His wise and courageous answers. 


He captivates his colleague’s attention,

and leads them without strife and contention.

A friendly smile he keeps, and in a kind tone he speaks,

Arousing feeble feet to shun the broad way,

and walk on the saintly highway.

Amongst his peers he often proclaims,

“To God be The Glory!  I am doing all things

through Christ holy name, He strengthens my gait,

and has helped me to walk, talk and live by faith.”


It’s a beautiful sight to behold, godly fathers

 Seated on their earthly thrones. 

Adhering faithfully to God’s Command, 

Endeavoring to build a heavenly home.

He adores His beautiful Queen and loving bride

and sticks closely to her blessed side.

His children are safe and secure 

And in his arms, they rest assured.

Fathers stand firm in your godly role, 

Preparing your family for the Paradise Home.

One day soon, they’ll never more roam, 

Reigning with the Blessed Savior, forever more.



Happy Father’s Day!



by Maureen Tucker


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Three Inmates at Her Majesty's Prison are Baptized

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